Jean Brouard

Jean Brouard


Jean Brouard – 2000

I was born in Mauritius in 1957 and came to Salt Spring Island in 1996.

Sally, my wife, used to come to Salt Spring as a child to visit her aunt and cousins. We bought some recreational property here – moved here from Zimbabwe when CIDA contract ended. Had nowhere else to live.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Aberdeen, a Masters of Science in Forestry and Land Management from Oxford, and a PhD in Forest Genetics with a minor in statistics from North Carolina State University.

I am a consultant in forest genetics working with aspen and balsam poplar in Alberta; a cheese maker at Salt Spring Cheese; volunteer with Salt Spring Abattoir; Pie Lady at Fulford Days; occasional lecturer at Vancouver Island University and the University of Victoria. I am still the Pie Lady after all of these years.

My passions are my work in aspen genetics, parenting, music (singing, Bach On The Rock and Salt Spring Singers – especially Handel arias), gumboot dancing, gardening, fossils, botany, human evolution, propa-gating native plants – especially lilies and sedums, pie baking, bread making (buns in particular), and kale. Tamar ads “hugging.”

Salt Spring feels like paradise – great sense of community.

Challenges living here: Deer, rats and rabbits. Figuring out if it is Salt Spring or Saltspring.

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