
Stories by Islanders

Seeing so many island faces in my home through the photos I had taken, I wondered how we all decided to make Salt Spring Island our home. A few of us were born here, but most have come from other places. We are an amazingly creative, innovative and eclectic bunch of people all gathered on this little island in the sparkling Salish Sea, with no place to sprawl because we are contained by the ocean.

What is your story? Who are you? I know many people by name and I know many well enough to give hugs when I bump into them, but I don’t know their particular story of why they are here.

So I asked a few questions:

How did you decide to make Salt Spring Island your home?
What are your hobbies, passions, and work?
What do you love most about SSI?
What are the challenges to living here?
If you were born here, what are your visions for your life and what was it like growing up here?

The stories I have received are fabulous. They are the crown jewels of this exhibit. They are the voices of islanders who range in age from four years old to 89 years old. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.